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About CNS

CNS responds to a void in the education of manual therapists that leaves practitioners unprepared to treat the underlying causes of chronic soft tissue pain. The Center is built upon strong foundations of expert therapists and experienced instructors


The mission of the Center for Neurosomatic Studies (CNS) is to develop professionals who are prepared to implement advanced therapeutic techniques and positively impact the quality of care delivered by massage therapists. By creating competency in research methods, patient interaction and professional standards, CNS is advancing the practice of soft tissue therapy as a vital component of healthcare.

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A Look Inside CNS

History of CNS

July 29, 2011, the Center for Neurosomatic Studies (CNS) was founded under the ownership of Randall Clark in response to a local and national need for manual therapists with Neurosomatic therapy training. A group of investors was engaged in April 2012 to help support the delivery of the CNS program at the high level of academic standards laid out in its Mission Statement.

CNS was established to combine massage therapy, Neurosomatic therapy, and personal training education in order to be prepared for licensure and certification with advanced training leading to the credentials for Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), Certified Neurosomatic Specialist (CNS) and Certified Personal Trainer (CPT).

Recognizing that massage therapy and exercise are an important part of the restorative health process, CNS integrates soft tissue analysis, personal training and corrective exercise so that the practitioner is able to incorporate multiple modalities in treating the whole patient.

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