Massage Therapists and Personal Trainers who choose to become a Certified Neurosomatic Therapist are making a commitment that will immediately separate them from their peers – a commitment to helping people in pain. The information presented in the Neurosomatic Therapy system encompasses the entire NSE curriculum. It is separated into two tracts: Somatic Therapy and Neuro-Therapy. Once both certification levels have been completed therapists will earn the designation Certified Neurosomatic Therapist.

Upon completion of the four Somatic courses, covering the primary muscle systems of the body, there is a written and hands-on test covering all of the material taught in Posturology 101 and all of the Somatic Certification courses. Therapists previously certified through Paul St. John will be allowed to test out of their somatic certification after taking Posturology 101. The technique review video’s are recommended for those wishing to test-out of this level due to the numerous differences between the new CINT program and Paul’s previous work.

Neuro-Therapy is for therapists looking to help patients with more complex cases. These courses will discuss the subtler anatomical relationships as well as structures that can have a systemic effect on the neurological system. Certified Neuro-Therapists are those looking for answers why traditional therapy is not working for their patients.