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Seminar Series

Take your manual therapy career to the next level with advanced manual therapy training. By studying Neurosomatic Therapy, you’ll learn how to identify, correct and maintain proper alignment in your clients to effectively relieve their chronic pain.

Neuro Certification

The Neuro track of the CNS program discusses the subtler relationships within the body that have an effect on the neurological system. Imbalance of the muscle and skeletal structures in the head and neck can cause a variety of issues such as chronic sinus problems, headaches, and hormonal imbalances. Neuro Therapy often helps therapists address issues with their patients that traditional therapy has not.

The remaining courses study each system individually including:

Visceral Balancing
Craniofacial Balancing
TMJ Balancing
Atlas-Axis Balancing

Posturology 202

In Posturology 101, you learned basic concepts of the components that make up the righting reflexes, and how to measure and document posture accurately. Posturology 202 is a continuation of the journey which investigates the effects of craniofacial asymmetry, the effect of the eyes, and the effect of poor gait on posture.

In looking at the body from a dynamic perspective, you will learn to assess gait, identify some common gait pattern anomalies, and you will be introduced to facilitative movement therapy that will help your patients to improve their functional movement patterns on the path to becoming pain free.By reviewing the concept of the Lovett reactor, you will understand how craniofacial asymmetry may be the cause of, or the result of, postural imbalances.

You will also review the effects on the structure and function of the organs contained with the cranial vault, and how dysfunction of these organs may result.

You will learn the anatomy of the musculature of the eyes, and review the cranial nerves that control the eyes and how they affect posture. You will also learn how to relieve tension patterns in these muscles, seeing the real effects of this primary input into the righting reflex system.

Integrative Visceral Balancing- N1

In the first course on the path of the Certified Neuro-Therapist Track, you will be introduced to the effect of the visceral system, the many organs involved, and how they can create postural distortions. A systematic approach to palpation and massage of the organs will be reviewed, all the while, considering their potential effect on the musculoskeletal system through the righting reflexes. Through years of investigation, Paul St. John has developed an understanding of the viscera, how they are affected by trauma, illness, hormonal insufficiency, and poor biomechanics. You will learn how postural distortion can cause dysfunction of the viscera (“function follows form”), and how disease of an organ can cause postural distortion (“form follows function”).

You will learn how trigger points in the bladder can mimic symptoms of sciatica, how the kidney can cause lumbago, how the lung can cause symptoms of shoulder bursitis, and how even the liver may be the source of symptoms of TMJ Dysfunction.

Integrative Craniofacial Balancing - N2

Craniofacial asymmetry is among of the most common causes of scoliosis, headaches, and TMJ Dysfunction. In Posturology 202 you learned how to measure the craniofacial asymmetries. In this course you will learn how to facilitate the correction of imbalances in the cranium, and you will be able to facilitate your patient’s return to structural homeostasis, thus creating a physical environment in which healing can take place. By integrating the Lovett reactor relationship, one can rapidly improve craniofacial and pelvic imbalances such as a flexion distortion or obliquity, especially if the genesis of these is in the cranium. You will also learn how to direct additional therapists to create a team centered approach.

Integrative Balancing of the TMJ - N3

The integrative approach to TMJ Dysfunction will allow the therapist to normalize the soft tissues of the TMJ and related structures. Techniques are not limited to the TMJ though. Benefits are numerous to those with speech pathologies, swallowing difficulties, and pain due to trauma of the face. In continuing to understand the complex issues of head and TMJ pain, you will learn how to increase range of motion, detect muscular imbalances that lead to clicking and popping of the joint and correct them, and to decrease pain associated with these two problems. You will learn the mechanics of the TMJ, and how the Lovett Reactor Relationship is key to understanding dysfunction of the joint, or how the joint can be the cause of cervical pain or even pelvic imbalances.

Integrative Balancing of the Atlas-Axis - N4

Vital structures are contained within the upper cervical spine. The cervical spine protects the seven cranial nerves that emanate from the brainstem, the intrusion upon which are often the cause of numerous neurological symptoms and conditions. It also protects important portions of the circulatory system to the brain. You will learn the importance of these structures, how they can be affected by imbalances in the cervical spine, and how to correct those imbalances.

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