Location Prior To Attending CNS: Atlanta, GA
Current Occupation: Owner of NST Practice, Next Level Pain Solutions
Matt is the founder, owner and operator of Next Level Pain Solutions, LLC in Tampa, FL. Matt holds a B.S. in Health Science, is in Sports Muscle Training Technology and is a Certified Neurosomatic Therapist.
Matt’s business grew from an idea sparked from a class project while attending CNS.
Currently, Matt works with pro athletes from the NFL, NHL, WWE and UFC.
Location Prior To Attending CNS: Ann Arbour, Michigan
Current Occupation: Structural Therapist at Body Center St. Pete
Delfina is an LMT, CNS, RYT-200, YTU, CPT and Neurosomatic Therapist. Originally receiving a B.A. in Spanish Literature and Musicology from University of Michigan, she found herself working in pursuit of healing her own body from the havoc college habits had reeked on her. Having received NST treatment herself for chronic pain, she was a quick follower of the program and enrolled.
She specializes in helping patients suffering from scoliosis, pain and structural issues.
Location Prior To Attending CNS: Fort Myers, FL
Current Occupation: Neurosomatic Therapist, Neurosomatic Specialists in Clearwater, FL
Nick earned a B.S. from Florida Gulf Coast University in Exercise Science. Beginning his career as a Personal Trainer, he saw many of his clients suffering with chronic pain and decided to pursue Neurosomatic Therapy as a way to help his clients. Combining his expertise in exercise science with Neurosomatic Therapy, he hopes to change healthcare and patient care.