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Next Classes Begin March 10th - Apply Today!
  (727) 386-5024   

Ready to take your practice and skills to a new level?

But don’t have the time to shut down your business and attend a 1,2,3, and sometimes 4-week class for Continuing Education?

We’ve gotcha!

The Center for Neurosomatic Studies is now offering Locals Only Learning (LOL) for busy practitioners who want serious education without losing their business. Get certified as a Neurosomatic Therapist (NST) 4 hours a day, 1 or 2 days a week, over 18 months.

How it works:

The Locals Only Learning Program was designed for busy professionals in the Tampa Bay market looking to advance their practice and skills without having to close down their books. This is a 528hr course and eligible for a total of 216hrs of hands-on CEs, and 312hrs of lecture CEs. There is a:

  • one-time application fee of $100
  • a $400 Linen fee once accepted.
  • After that only $3,000 per term

We run 3 six-month terms. Each term focuses on either, Upper Body, Lower Body, or Neuro & Viscera.

Enroll in LOL for 1, 2, or all 3 terms.  Attend class 1 or 2 days a week from 8am-12pm or 5pm-9pm for the next 6 months. You’ll earn 72hrs of hands-on CE and 104hrs of lecture CE for each term you attend. Once you’ve completed all 3 terms you are eligible to test for certification as a Neurosomatic Therapist.

No shutting down. No jeopardizing client list. Fits in your schedule, two days a week. All at a price you can afford.

What more could you want?


The Fine Print:

Due to severe Florida weather or other unforeseeable scheduling anomalies, there may be 2-3 weeks a term when a class will be held 2x a week. These changes will be announced and posted in advance. The cost of the full LOL program is $9,500. $100 application fee, $400 linen fee, $3,000 a term for 3 terms. Students are only financially responsible for the term they are in. There is no obligation to complete all 3 terms.  CNS will provide all manuals and materials needed to complete the course. Certification is based on the successful completion of each certification exam and papers after passing all 3 terms with an 80% or better.

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