Student Case Study: Post-Concussive Syndrome
Background: Concussion is not as benign as previously thought. A multidisciplinary team including neuropsychological testing and treatment, pharmacological intervention, counseling, and speech, occupational, physical therapy, and massage is needed to treat persistent symptoms of a concussion.
Purpose: To determine if corrective massage can alleviate symptoms of persistent symptoms of a concussion
Participant: 65-year-old female with Post-Concussive Syndrome five years following a car accident
Intervention: Eight assessments and massage interventions were performed over a five-week period. A massage student performed the treatments.
Results: The patient expressed that she felt improvement in sleep, concentration, and brain fog. The results of the Bournemouth Pain Questionnaire did not reveal improvement.
Keywords: Concussion; mild traumatic brain injury; Post-Concussive disorder; massage; physical therapy; Lyme disease