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Student Case Study: Whiplash



Background: There are many people affected by whiplash and whiplash associated disorders annually. Most will recover fully, slightly less than half will suffer chronic pain afterwards, which may last years if not treated appropriately. The pain suffered by those afflicted by whiplash associated disorders vary but can be painful as to prevent a person from performing moderate physical tasks, which then in turn results in lost productivity and lifestyle satisfaction.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the validity of soft tissue manipulation as a means to provide pain relief to a patient suffering from issues associated whiplash associated disorders.

Case Presentation: The patient is a 52 year old white male retired RN height: 5’9” weight: 190 lbs who was diagnosed as having a hairline fracture of the right greater tuberosity of the humerus in 2006 which necessitated the use of a sling as well as rehabilitation. In 2014 the patient was in a car accident and was diagnosed with whiplash. The patient displayed an elevated and upwardly rotated right shoulder, both of which may indicate cervical dysfunction as several of the cervical structures have attachment sites along the clavicle, on the first rib, and the on the scapula.

Results: The patient’s pain level decreased greatly over the progression of the treatment sessions, with the initial pain and dysfunction scores at or above a 5 having been reduced to around .7

Discussion: The patient experienced a marked reduction in pain and improvement in functionality of the cervical spine as well as the right upper limb. This illustrates that Neurosomatic therapy is an effective means of treatment for whiplash chronic whiplash associated disorder.

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