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  (727) 386-5024   

About CNS

We develop Massage Therapists & Neurosomatic Specialists who are prepared to implement advanced therapeutic techniques, positively impacting the quality of care delivered to those in pain, with injuries, and in recovery.

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What's Happening At CNS?

Not only do we teach how to align the body but how to move their own bodies properly.


What causes knee pain?


Are people born with knee caps?


Why you can't replace massage


How to treat knee pain


Do massage guns work?


How to cure headaches! Throwback Thursday!


🫀BP: Normal range is/ or less than 120/80 mmHg ...

You can't stretch your quads


Massage helps to regulate hormones by turning the systems off and on💆🏻‍♀️💆🏾 ...

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