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Integrity Approaches to Extremity Pain

Integrity Approaches to Extremity Pain


DVD – Somatic Video Companion – S4


Review of concepts taught in S4:
The last in the Somatic Certification series, this course is focused on strategies for eliminating soft tissue pain of the extremities. Calling on experiences from almost thirty years of practice, Paul St. John has developed manual therapy strategies to help you to learn causes of nerve entrapment syndromes, as well as strategies for treatment of such conditions including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Tibial Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome.
A review of the specific anatomy of each extremity will enhance your palpatory and treatment skills to a degree where you will be able to isolate nerve entrapments, trigger points, and other ischemic areas. Demonstration of techniques from our teaching staff will facilitate your understanding of the techniques and purposes for them. The result will be more effective treatment strategies and an unprecedented level of success with your clients that you will be able to implement the very next day!
The specific stretching and self care protocols that are included will enhance your practice and credibility by empowering your clientele in managing their own health and well being.

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