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Integrative Approaches to Shoulder Pain DVD

Integrative Approaches to Shoulder Pain DVD – Somatic Series Companion Video


DVD – Somatic Video Companion – S3


Review of concepts taught in S3:
Third in the Level 1 Certification series, Integrative Approaches to Shoulder Pain introduces you to ground breaking new techniques in shoulder pain relief.  Paul St. John has treated thousands of cases and now will share with you his studies.  He has developed these techniques by studying each muscle and muscle group, identifying dysfunctions and treating imbalances.  You will learn why we treat these muscles and how to achieve pain relief for your patients through the most effective treatment methods available today.
You will explore specific causes of pain as they are explained throughout this course while our teaching staff demonstrate techniques.  Over the course of the weekend you will learn how to identify trigger points and where they refer, and how shoulder dysfunctions affect other body functions.
As with previous levels, specific stretch and strengthening exercises are explained for you to educate your patients with.  By implementing these techniques in your private practice you enable your patients to live pain free

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